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A TypeConverter has the following properties and functions.


  • val name: String

    All TypeConverter must have a (unique) name. It should also describe the mapping, e.g. StringToIntConverter. A list of provided TypeConverter names is generated and published in package io.mcarle.konvert.api.converter.

  • val enabledByDefault: Boolean

    Not all converters may be suitable for every use case: For example a conversion of a String to an Int may not always be possible. But sometimes, you exactly want to do that specific conversion and you enable it.

  • val priority: Int

    Used to sort all the available converters, as the first possible converter will be used. This enables to e.g. override a specific converter by defining a lower value here.

    Lower values have higher priorities!


  • fun init(resolver: Resolver)

    Used to initialise all TypeConverters in the beginning of the KSP with the resolver.

  • fun matches(source: KSType, target: KSType): Boolean

    Used to check, if this type converter is able to do the conversion from source to target

  • fun convert(fieldName: String, source: KSType, target: KSType): CodeBlock

    Called to generate the kotlin code to convert the field fieldName of type source to type target.